Delete PO line item using BAPI

ls_poitem-po_item = l_po_item
ls_poitem-delete_ind = 'X'.
APPEND ls_poitem TO lt_poitem.

ls_poitemx-po_item =
ls_poitemx-po_itemx = 'X'.
ls_poitemx-delete_ind = 'X'.
APPEND ls_poitemx TO lt_poitemx.

purchaseorder = ls_poheader-po_number
testrun = p_test
return = lt_return
poitem = lt_poitem
poitemx = lt_poitemx.

*-- if there were no errors for the PO then commit
WAIT = 'X'.

SAP T-Code for Enhancement Implementation

SAP T-Code for Enhancement Implementation is SE19.

SAP - Disable sounds

1 . Click on Customize Local Layout

2. Select New Visual Design

3. Click on Sound off option

TRANC - Trancate the value

i_qty = TRUNC( p_qty ).

LSMW for VB01 - Create Listing and Exclusion using Batch Input Recording

1. Create LSMW Object (Tx:LSMW)

2. Maintain Object Attributes

Click on Overview Icon to create new recording

After clicking the new recordings icon, insert the recording name and description. Press continue icon or Enter key for the next step.

Enter the transaction code and continue.

LSMW for VK11 - Pricing Condition using IDOC

1. Create LSMW Object

2. Maintain Object Attributes

3. Maintain Source Structures

LSMW Administration

Use Administration to change or delete the LSMW.

T-Code: LSMW
Path: Goto --> Administration (Ctrl+F1)